关于“中国签证”的小贴士(Tips on China visa matter) (중국비자(Visa)관련 주의사항)其他 2018. 1. 5. 14:15
Tips on China visa matter:
● 请留意您护照的有效期,至少保证 6 个月有效且有一页完整的,可用的空白签证页。
● Pls. pay attention on your passport, ensure the remaining validity of the passport should be at least six months and with at least one blank visa page.
● 请特别注意您签证或居留许可的有效期。逾期将受处罚(每天 500 元人民币的罚款)。
● Pls. pay special attention on your visa validity date. Any delay will result in fine of RMB500 per day.
● 如有以下变动,请在 24 小时内重新开具临时住宿登记单:
● Pls. obtain new Temporary Residence Registration Form if you have below change within 24 hours.
a) 护照(通行证、台胞证)号码变更 travel permit number changed/renewed
b) 住址变更 movement from one place to another
c) 签证类别变更 visa updated from one category to another one
● 如有以下变动,请在 10 天内变更您的就业证以及居留许可, 且确保新护照上无出境及入境章,逾期将处罚。
● Pls. modify your work permit and residence permit within 10 days if you have below update/change.
a) 工作单位变更 unit change
b) 住址变更 home address change
c) 护照/通行证/台胞证 号码变更 ( 如新护照为境外签发,新护照上可以有入境章)
travel permit number change (ensure there is no exit/entry stamp on new passport if the passport be issued within China. The entry stamp could be acceptable if the passport be issued out of China)
d) 名字变更 English name change
● 对于在华出生的新生婴儿,请在出生60 天内完成新生儿的居留许可申请,如超出60天,将受罚款。
● For new born baby in China, pls. file his/her Residence Permit application within 60 days upon date of birth. Any delay will result in penalty.
Any failure on above, will impact future 2 years or above residence permit application + China Permanent Residence Permit application.
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